
Apple Developing More Affordable Mixed Reality Headset, Sources Confirm

Apple is reportedly working on a second, cheaper mixed reality headset, according to sources familiar with the matter. The new headset is said to be in the early stages of development and is intended to be more affordable than the company’s current mixed reality offering, the Apple Glass.

Mixed reality (MR) technology combines elements of both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to create an immersive experience that blurs the line between the digital and physical worlds. The technology has been gaining popularity in recent years, with a number of companies, including Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, investing in the development of their own MR headsets.

The current Apple Glass is expected to be a high-end device with advanced features such as hand-tracking and a wide field of view. However, the price point for this device is expected to be quite high, making it out of reach for many consumers. The new, cheaper headset is intended to be more accessible to a wider range of people, and is expected to have a lower price point and fewer features than the Apple Glass.

It is unclear at this time what specific features the new headset will have, or when it will be released. However, it is expected to be a standalone device, rather than one that relies on a connection to a smartphone or computer.

The development of a cheaper mixed reality headset is in line with Apple’s strategy to expand its product portfolio and reach new customers. The company has a history of introducing more affordable versions of its existing products, such as the iPhone SE, which is a more budget-friendly version of the iPhone.

As the mixed reality market continues to grow, it will be interesting to see how Apple’s new offering compares to other devices on the market, and how it will be received by consumers. It also remains to be seen if the company will also release a more affordable version of the Apple Glass or if the new device will be released in addition to the high-end device.

In conclusion, Apple is said to be working on a second, cheaper mixed reality headset, in addition to its current high-end offering, the Apple Glass. The new device is expected to be more affordable and accessible to a wider range of consumers, though the specific features and release date have not been announced yet. The move is in line with Apple’s strategy to expand its product portfolio and reach new customers. It will be interesting to see how the device will perform in the market, and how it will be received by consumers.

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